Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bill to Ban Red-Light Extortion Cameras May Die in Committee

Our friends over at Bancams report that Rep. Judy Clibborn, Chair of the Washington State House Transportation Committee, may allow HB1823 to die in committee today. (Today by close of business is the deadline for scheduling a hearing for the bill.)

Bear in mind that this bill is supported by 31 state representatives, almost one third of the House. If it's allowed to die despite that kind of backing then I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself whether Clibborn respects the will of the people or has only contempt for it.

You can contact her office as follows:

Rep. Judy Clibborn
(360) 786-7926

Caron Benedetti, Legislative Aide

The deadline for scheduling a hearing for this bill is end of day today. Contact her and your own state representatives and demand that the hearing be scheduled.

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